
作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2022年6月29日

编者按: 自愿改进计划(VIP)最近通过2022年5月6日发布的正式指南草案,成为美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)认可的第一个质量倡议案例. VIP leverages ISACA’s Medical Device Discovery Appraisal Program (MDDAP) and transitioned from a pilot to a fully operational program last year. Read and comment on FDA’s Draft Guidance by 5 July 2022. 金正日卡普兰, Senior Product Manager for MDDAP at ISACA, 最近访问了ISACA现在,提供MDDAP如何到达这一点以及未来可能发生的事情的背景. 以下是谈话实录,为篇幅和清晰度进行了编辑:

ISACA现在: How did MDDAP come to be?
MDDAP的成功开发部分归功于FDA与各种利益相关者共同开展的质量案例(CfQ)研究, 这揭示了行业中的一个问题:符合要求的制造商与不符合要求的制造商仍然有相似的问题类型和频率. 虽然遵从性很重要,但它本身并不能驱动期望的质量结果.

FDA想了解他们如何建立一个超越监管标准的质量案例, 所以他们与医疗设备创新联盟建立了一个公私合作伙伴关系, 或MDIC, to create a safe space for collaboration across the healthcare ecosystem. MDIC membership includes representatives from manufacturers, patient advocacy groups, hospitals and government agencies.

MDIC促进工作组调查可能进一步提高器械质量和患者预后的机会. 一个工作组委托德勤对22种不同的成熟度模型进行研究 Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) 被选为最佳选择,是因为它被广泛采用为全球标准,并且具有适合目的的灵活性.

The CMMI provides a framework of best practices that, 当采用, increases the likelihood an organization will deliver on-time, 在预算之内, and of high-quality. MDDAP是CMMI的定制版本,使医疗设备制造商能够理解, 衡量和提高他们向患者提供高质量产品的能力.

“质量案例”在十多年前启动,有许多倡议开始和结束,而其他倡议仍在努力找出前进的道路. 对于投资于FDA的试点项目,业界一直有些犹豫,因为这个项目可能不会持续下去. FDA发布了正式参与VIP项目的指导草案, and what it represents, as part of their vision and strategy.

ISACA现在: MDDAP能够帮助解决的医疗器械行业中最紧迫的挑战是什么?
There a couple themes we have heard anecdotally from VIP participants.

First, the notion of quality being a department. We hear that under a Quality Management System, regulated activities are managed under a heavy, 几乎限制, process while other business activities have much less structure. 因此,在有效地执行跨职能活动方面可能存在挑战. MDDAP帮助组织识别更全面的改进机会.

Second, addressing compliance actions in a targeted manner. We hear that as a result of regulations for addressing issues, manufacturers often implement fast solutions that are narrow in scope. As a result, there is an increased risk in the likelihood of recurrence. MDDAP为组织开发更具系统性和可持续性的解决方案提供了时间和支持.

ISACA现在: You’ve mentioned the need to quickly learn and iterate, and adapt to the needs of stakeholders. 你能详细解释一下这一点吗?为什么它被证明如此重要?
在一个 time of ever-advancing technologies and shifting landscapes, what worked yesterday might not work today or tomorrow, so it’s important to know how to quickly adapt. 在COVID, 我们能够在供应链中断中识别项目涉众的需求, production shutdowns and layoffs. MDDAP在2020年5月至12月期间通过利用分阶段的方式,转向完全虚拟的服务交付, risk-based approach to pilot testing, and by learning and iterating along the way.

ISACA现状:数字化转型如何进入项目发展的方程式, and what have the results of that been?
在试验期间,许多活动都是手动执行的,例如数据收集. 我们在Excel工作簿中捕获信息,这使得定期分析变得具有挑战性. 今年,ISACA推出了VIP门户,这是一个基于软件的数据报告工具. 因此,项目涉众现在可以实时地审查信息. With over 200 historical data points entered in the system, VIP门户网站能够揭示有关持续改进旅程以及行业共同优势和挑战的见解.

在一个 presentation I delivered f或MDIC’s VIP Forum, 我告诉他,很多大一新生都很难提供足够的资金, training and resources for staff to develop, 保持更新, 并执行成功实现目标所需的过程. By their second year, 其中许多设施能够缩小这一差距,并根据更高的能力进行评估, 发现围绕创建组织资产的新机会,这些资产支持项目与项目之间成功的更大一致性.

ISACA现在: How do you see the program continuing to evolve going forward?
该项目将继续研究为项目合作者提供价值的新机会. 除此之外, VIP有许多途径可以支持更广泛的医疗保健利益相关者. 例如, 加速可持续能力(ASC)试点研究正在探索MDDAP的要素如何帮助专注于合规的网站更快、更可持续地实现其目标.

虽然VIP关注的是医疗设备,但许多设备都包含药物或软件组件. Further on the horizon, 可能有机会与FDA的其他倡议合作,如数字健康, focused on software as a medical device, or the Quality Maturity Model initiative, focused on pharmaceuticals. 比如MDDAP, 有朝一日,VIP可能会与其他国家的医疗保健政府机构合作. The possibilities are exciting.