
作者: 玛丽亚Sommerhalder
发表日期: 2023年3月14日

Blockchain technology is often touted as a potential revolution in the way the world does business. 通过提供安全的, 分布式分类帐, 它有可能在各方之间提供无与伦比的透明度和信任. 该技术仍处于开发和采用的早期阶段, 但是随着今天部署的一些大规模应用程序, 这场革命正在慢慢变成现实. 当这种情况发生时, standardization and audits will play a crucial role in in mitigating the risk that organizations potentially face when implementing this emerging technology.


目前, 区块链解决现实世界的问题有几个用例, 比如追踪供应链, 管理金融交易和验证身份, 例如:

  • The European Investment Bank (EIB) processed the issue of its first euro-denominated digital bond via a private blockchain. 发行了1亿欧元的2年期债券, booked and settled using private blockchain technology on a Goldman Sachs tokenization platform.1
  • The shipping giant Maersk developed and implemented a digital platform for the global shipping industry called TradeLens. 它旨在提高全球贸易的效率和透明度. 它于2019年8月上线,被80多个领先的航运组织使用, 世界各地的港口和海关当局(尽管今天不再提供). 该平台使用区块链技术安全地存储和共享数据, 为所有利益相关者提供货物运输的实时可见性.2
  • Ripple is using technology to facilitate faster and less expensive international payments by providing a real-time gross settlement system and a currency exchange for financial institutions.3
  • 沃尔玛正在使用区块链来跟踪其产品的供应链. 它也在使用思域, 一个身份管理平台,允许用户存储, 以安全的方式保护和分享他们的个人数据.4
  • 在奢侈品行业, 法国奢侈品集团LVMH创建了AURA区块链联盟. It is a platform used to verify the authenticity of luxury goods and track them through their journey from production to sale. 它还允许客户访问有关产品的详细信息, 比如它的来源和使用的材料. 它被用于时尚和奢侈品行业, 特别是LVMH集团及其合作品牌.5

除了, many organizations are exploring ways to use blockchain to securely store and transfer data and to create more secure and efficient systems. A few well-known organizations such as Microsoft and IBM have started offering Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platforms to facilitate its use.6 These cross-industry examples show there are platforms, use cases and trust in the technology.


但仍, 这种潜力带来了一系列尚未解决的独特挑战, 包括管理和迁移(遗留基础设施), 技术标准化, 可靠性和信任.

首先也是最重要的, 大多数司法管辖区都存在监管不确定性, 区块链技术的法律地位尚不明确, 这可能会给希望部署它的澳门赌场官方下载带来限制. 即使这些问题已经得到解决,合规的实际成本也是已知的, 规划成本, designing and implementing processes on blockchain-based infrastructure is still an inhibiting factor. Moving away from legacy systems is a heavy task that requires significant rework and resources.

从技术的角度来看, 采用缓慢的主要原因是缺乏技术标准化. This means there is not just one method of implementing blockchain systems; therefore, 保证与其他生态系统的互操作性, 组织在推出区块链产品时必须格外小心.

标准化对于区块链技术的开发和实施至关重要. 实现区块链的全部潜力, it is beneficial for people participating in several blockchains to be linked through a single protocol. This reduces friction for users because they can access different decentralized applications without changing networks. 它不仅保证了通用的指导方针, 需求和定义, 但也可以使遵守相关法规和法律. 为此目的, organizations must work together to develop standards that comply with current regulations. There is an abundance of standardization efforts in various industries that aid participants in following best practices and learning from past mistakes.7

实现区块链的全部潜力, it is beneficial for people participating in several blockchains to be linked through a single protocol.

在不同的数字资产生态系统中,也存在标准化. 例如, 以太坊区块链的开发者, 有一个基本的准则叫做以太坊征求意见(ERC). These are open-source documents describing rules that Ethereum-based tokens must comply with, 包括启用基本功能,如令牌创建, 支出或交易处理. The Digital Currency Global Initiative (DGCI) has set out to establish a common classification framework for all digital currency. 它使用诸如供应之类的属性对货币进行分类和区分, 价值, 所有权, 协议及记录.8

区块链行业的另一个重要话题是平台的可靠性. 几乎没有一天没有任何被捕获的平台或被盗的代币. 为了提高区块链平台的可靠性,审计是必不可少的. 在区块链行业, audits are particularly important as the technology concerns the security and integrity of transactional data.

The first step in any audit process is to perform an overall risk assessment of the technology. 这包括对所涉及的技术、过程和操作的详细回顾. 区块链行业审计的一个重要方面是关键仪式, 在哪里检查私钥的安全性. Other aspects to be reviewed are the management of assets, compliance processes and backup measures. 最关键的方面之一是审查现有的安全措施, 比如加密, 身份验证和访问控制. 然而, auditing blockchain systems is a challenge for many auditors because there is a lack of understanding of the technology. It can be hard to find an accredited audit organization with dedicated divisions that have the skill and availability to review relevant controls.


标准化的努力, 哪些是互操作性和跨协议信息交换的核心, are still relatively immature with regard to blockchain and show limited coordination and acceptance. 此外, blockchain interoperability needs to go beyond the infrastructure level and include platform aspects such as consensus mechanisms and authentication in addition to business aspects such as business models and legal frameworks. 通过对技术进行全面的审查, 区块链中涉及的流程和操作, auditors can provide assurance that blockchain technology meets the necessary standards and can provide valuable insights and recommendations.


在接下来的5年里, blockchain technology is expected to become increasingly adopted by organizations in various industries,9 包括金融、医疗、供应链和物联网. 组织可以使用区块链来保存数字交易的记录, 创建数字货币和自动化流程. 除了, 区块链可以用来促进安全的数据共享, 提供增强的数据安全性并启用数字身份管理.

The main advantages of blockchain in the short-term will lead to the facilitation of cryptocurrencies and payment use cases, 对金融服务行业的客户来说,哪些继续具有吸引力. This is the industry where standardization is most prolific and will propel the use of this technology.

因为这种增长和普及, standardization and audit are essential components in the development and deployment of blockchain technology. By implementing rigorous security protocols; developing standards for scalability, traceability and compliance; and regularly auditing their networks, 组织可以确保他们的区块链计划是安全的, 可靠且符合法规. 这对银行和其他受监管的行业尤其重要, as they must ensure that their blockchain offerings are secure and compliant with regulatory standards.


1 西摩,年代.; “欧洲投资银行首次在公共区块链上发行数字债券,”欧洲投资银行,2021年4月28日
2 Kapnissis G.; G. Vaggelas; H. Leligou; A. Panos; M. Doumi; “航运业采用区块链:一项实证研究,” 海运研究,卷. 2022年3月3日
3 Renduchintala T.; H. Alfauri; Z. Yang; R. Di Pietro; R. Jain; “区块链在金融科技领域的应用调查,” 开放创新杂志,卷. 8日,国际空间站. 2022年10月30日
4 沙玛,M.; P. Kumar; “采用区块链技术:以沃尔玛为例,” 区块链技术及其在数字营销中的应用2021年1月
5 路易威登,”LVMH Partners With Other Major Luxury Companies on Aura, the First Global Luxury Blockchain, 2021年4月20日
6 歌J.; P. Zhang; M. Alkubati; Y. Bao; G. Yu; “区块链即服务的研究进展:架构、应用和挑战,” 数码通讯及网络,卷. 8日,国际空间站. 2022年8月4日
7 全球区块链商业理事会,”技术标准
8 国际电信联盟,”对数字货币的共同认识, 2022年2月18日
9 李维斯,D.; F. Fontana; “展望区块链技术的未来,” 《澳门赌场官方软件》,卷. 16日,国际空间站. 2021年11月11、17日


Is a managing consultant and auditor in the tech-driven audit department at the Eraneos Group. She advises organizations and government institutions on all aspects related to digital assets. As an experienced IT auditor with a focus on key generation ceremonies and private key custody, 她是实现区块链系统的理想联络点. Her Big Four background allows her to identify risk and mitigation strategies and have a comprehensive overview of the formal topics needed to be covered to ensure an audit-friendly setup. 她是瑞士最重要的庆典审计员, having spearheaded projects to enable a large variety of clients to tap into undiscovered markets involving digital assets and blockchain.